HP 54600B Oscilloscope Easter Egg - Tetris Within Oscilloscope

The Hewlett Packard 54600B Digital Oscilloscope (electronic test equipment) has a hidden game of Tetris, complete with the ability to save high scores, hidden within. After the splash screen has disappeared and the trace grid has been displayed, press the [Print|Utility] key, then release. When the print menu is displayed, press and hold the second and third keys (from the left) directly below the CRT display, simultaneously. This will bring up the game.

Likewise, following the same procedure for the 54645D HP mega-zoom oscilloscope, the old arcade game, centipede will be displayed.

Have fun

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  7.3/10 with 287 votes
Contributed By: kcbhiw on 07-24-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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snoopy writes:
21 of 39 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Fun to know about. I just now today became owner of this oscilloscope. CanĀ“t wait to try it out...
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