Kubrick, Stanley Easter Egg - Trademark Shot

In most of Kubrick's movies, he includes a shot where an actor facing the camera has his head bent forward and he is looking at the camera out of the "tops" of his eyes. It usually looks pretty creepy. In the opening shot of "A Clockwork Orange" Malcom McDowell is doing this while the camera backs away from him during the opening narration. (He also does this later in the movie while reading a bible.) Jack Nicholson is actually frozen into this pose in the topiary maze at the end of "The Shining." The psycho boot camp Marine recruit does this in "Full Metal Jacket" just before he shoots the sadistic sargeant. I can't take credit for this-- Roger Ebert mentioned it at the end of a recent "At the Movies" episode solely dedicated to reviewing "Eyes Wide Shut." Tom Cruise does the same thing in THAT movie, by the way...

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 89 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-22-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Kubrick's movies
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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SDH writes:
In "Dr. Strangelove", General Jack T. Ripper (you can figure out this one...) gives the same look as he explains the "Purity Of Essence" and the poisoning of his bodily fluids by water floridation...
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Bishop writes:
Keir Dullea also strikes this pose in 2001, when he is talking to HAL from within the space pod.
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izzy writes:
In the "A.I.", Steven Speilberg gives the late Kubrick a tribute by having the main characters eyes (actor Haley Joel Osmand) looking up amid a total white-out. Kubrick and Speilberg discussed the project several years before Kubrick's death.
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Tyler Norman writes:
This is called "The Glare".
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Jeff Curry writes:
I think he does this twice in each movie.
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Jeff Curry writes:
This is hard to see but in Barry Lyndon when he's walking with the Prussian army you can see someone on the right doing the glare.
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