Back to the Future Easter Egg - Spielberg: Truck Driver

When Marty is catching a ride on the truck in Back to the future look closely at the mirror and you will see that the man driving the truck is none other than Mr. Spielberg himself!!!

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  5.0/10 with 184 votes
Contributed By: Boba "Egg" Fett on 04-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Back to the future movie, eyeballs
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Rubbish! I watched it yesterday and it looks nothing like him! Don't know if you know another Mr. Spielberg but Steven Spielberg does not have a 3 inch nose!
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Kyle Creasey writes:
No, no, no! It's not Spilberg, either! It's Kevin Pike, the special effects supervisor of the film! Jeez, don't worry. It's common for people to think that that is Spilberg. But who would think that that was Harrison Ford?!?
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Kyle Creasey writes:
No, no, no! It's not Spilberg, either! It's Kevin Pike, the special effects supervisor of the film! Jeez, don't worry. It's common for people to think that that is Spilberg. But who would think that that was Harrison Ford?!?
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Rubbish! It's not Steven at all.
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Majin Freeza writes:
the jeep driver isn't Spielberg-sama!!
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HockeyGurl writes:
The driver of the jeep is the stunt coordinator, Walter Scott. If you watch the DVD and put the "Did You Know Anecdotes" feature on, it says this.
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Watch the commentary on the DVD. Bob Gale says that it's Kevin Pike.
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Worship82 writes:
Why is it that every extra in the 80s with black hair and glasses automatically has to be a Spielberg cameo? He isn't in Back to the Future driving a jeep, in E.T. as a doctor or Star Wars as a emperial soilder. I'm sure the last thing he thinks when creating one of his masterpieces is "Wait, lets do this shot where I'm drinking a shake and a dinosaur comes out to eat me."
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