Toy Story Easter Egg - Hidden Mickey

Where Buzz stands on the end of the bed to prove to Woody he really can fly have a look at the wall as he jumps off the bed. You may have to pause it, but if you look close at the big imitation wrist watch on the wall you'll see a picture of Mickey Mouse. There is also another view of this as Buzz lands back on the bed.

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  5.5/10 with 65 votes
Contributed By: Nelly on 09-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The video and a good eye
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Mickey Wrist Watch
Mickey Wrist Watch

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Almost every Disney movie has hidden mickeys in it, at least one and often several. A recent trend has also been to hide other Disney characters from earlier movies which can be recognized by people. Check out for more information.
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Edster writes:
In Monsters Inc. Boo gives Sully a load of toys and 1 of them is a doll of Jessy off of Toy Story2. There's also a Marlin fish toy in either of them two films. Forgot which. AND the Pixar star ball is in all CG Disney films AS WELL. The little lamp bursts it in the Pixar
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Josh writes:
there is also a hidden mickey in every Disneyland ride too i.e. the fireworks in Soarin' Over California
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