Kid A (Radiohead) Easter Egg - Kid A - Hidden Booklet

On all the copies of the new Radiohead Cd - "Kid A" (at least all the UK copies that I have seen - and I work in a record shop, so I've seen quite a few!) if you remove the black part of the cd case that the cd sits on, you will find a rather nice 12 page booklet containing drawings and words (some are lyrics from the album - some is pure gibberish) what can it all mean?

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  7.2/10 with 243 votes
Contributed By: Lee Goodman on 10-08-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD of Kid A
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lovegreen writes:
My friend told me about the hidden booklet, the day after I had bought "Kid A". When I went home, I looked in my CD cover, but only to find that there was NO BOOKLET. I don't know why it's missing, 3 of my friends own the record, and they all have it! *sob* I guess I'm just born unlucky...
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Met writes:
Have yet to locate a US copy with the "hidden booklet." My CD and a few friends of mine all have just a simple picture underneath the black tray. :o( I wonder if it is only available on the U.K. imoort?
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Sugarvale writes:
I'm in Northern California and my CD has the booklet... I got it at Best Buy...
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orter writes:
there are two different copies of the ablum so only the limited edition might have the booklet. also i know that the promotional copies of the it didn't come with the booklet.
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Nebosuke writes:
This same thing was done years ago with the original run of Jane's Addiciton - Ritual de lo Habitual CDs. Later runs just had the info printed in normal booklet form.
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zack writes:
I just bought the kid-a cd, and mine has a booklet in it. So does that mean that there is some limited edition that I have?
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Matt writes:
The hidden booklet was present in the first few thousand copies of the CD. The line "dedicated to Leo" is a reference to the newborn son, of Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister. Elsewhere in the booklet are a series of Orwellian slogans, which include: 'He'll take the money from under your nose. He'll tell you all you want to hear', and 'He says he wants to be our friend, he says he's always been on our side'. Also, lyrics to some of the band's new tracks, which were omitted from 'Kid A' appear to take a sideswipe at Blair. The track 'Follow Me Around', most recently played at the band's show in Toronto on October 17 feature the lyrics: "Did you lie to us Tony?/We thought you were different /Now you know we're not so sure", while the lyrics to another new song, 'You And Whose Army' feature the words "Come on if you think/You can take us all on /You and whose army?/You and your cronies".
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maquiladoras writes:
Leo is Tony Blairs' eldest son, not his newborn.
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No, Leo is his YOUNGEST son. Euan is the eldest
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Sean writes:
I just bought the CD today in Indiana and I have the hidden booklet, I suggest everyone that has it keep it, it'll be worth something one day
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Sam writes:
I am so jazzed about this booklet! I thought the egg would be one of those "let the cd play long after it's over" things. I had no idea there was a hidden booklet under the black case. I just ran over to my collection and pulled Kid A out. As it is, the album itself is incredible, and I'm glad I read about this on this site, or else I probably would have never known. Kind of funny to think that some people who have this album might never hear about the booklet and never get to see it.
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NoparanoiaRH writes:
Well, Me being a diehard RH fan this was obvious since every radiohead sight posted a rumor about this.
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MichaelO writes:
OK. There seems to be quite a bit of almost-truths going around. Here is everything I know concerning the hidden booklet in Kid A. 1. The first 1 MILLION pressings of Kid A contained the hidden booklet. (As confirmed by Mel from W.A.S.T.E.) 2. I have a hidden booklet, although my copy of Kid A was certainly not limited edition 3. Stanley Donwood, artiste de Radiohead, has kindly put up the entire booklet, minus the tracing paper images, up at 4. The album is NOT DEDICATED TO TONY BLAIR'S NEWBORN SON. Thom Yorke announced in an interview on BBC Radio 1 that the Leo in question was Phil Selway, the drummer's son. I'm not sure about which US pressings had the hidden booklet. If you are lucky enough to have a copy, I suggest you keep it safe,and preferably in the CD case, as they may well become quite valuable.
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micman2b writes:
I bought mine from as a pre-release and has a booklet. Pretty cool.
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kerish writes:
This booklet was meant to be hidden? When I got Kid A the first thing I noticed was the funny picture under the cd holder part, which in turn led me to take the cd case apart (mainly to see the picture!). I though this was how it was supposed to be packaged (cause it wouldn't fit in the normal sleeve!) Im surprised a lot of people never noticed this.
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Another Tony reference: if you go to the page designed by Thom page on ( and look in the source or drag your mouse along the page itself, you will find hidden text that reads "WAF<óåºdïHæ=?è{ãØðEôJÐ0Ø.WAF<ÛÂ?dÔHÊ=çË{?ÿ?EÙJ­0ÿI RECKON I MAYBE DESERVE A FILE AT MI5 NOW TONY WHAT DO YOU THINK?.WAF<¤¬Üd?H =ÁÀ{ì?ïE?J?0?". "Tony" has to refer to refers to Tony Blair, since MI5 is Britain's military intelligence. I wonder what the rest of the sybols mean?
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Spoon writes:
I am from Australia and I have the booklet. The first time I noticed it I was exited then when I read it it blew my mind. I could not make much sense of it.But it is still a cool thing to put in a CD.
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Rachael writes:
I live in the U.S. (New Jersey) and mine has the booklet. I got it the weekend after it came out, so it possibly could be a limited edition thing here.
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JP writes:
When I first found out about the booklet, someone told me that the big smiling face in there was supposed to be a drawing by Thom Yorke of Tony Blair, and I think it *does* look kinda like him.
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Chris writes:
I just bought this CD a couple of weeks ago and had no idea...AWESOME!!!
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Kris writes:
I can't believe that some people didn't find it. Whenever I opened it, I saw a little bit of red through the middle hole and I was like "Oh wow, a hidden picture!" and I opened it up and lo and behold, a hidden booklet, even greater than I expected. Too bad it is mostly gibberish, but you know, Radio Head has always been mysterious like that.
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kidb writes:
I live in Canada, and my copy of Kid A has a hidden booklet. I bought it used, which is the odd thing. Was the person who sold it aware of what they were parting with? Their loss, my gain. The booklet was included with the first pressings of the album. Their is also a limited edition of Kid A, but it is not the CD with the hidden booklet beneath the tray. The limited edition includes a hard cover book full of art.
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Ulis writes:
At least in Europe I don't believe the booklet is only in a limited edition. I bought it only in 2001 in Portugal and I also have the booklet.
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Psycho Ivan writes:
The booklets were only put into the first pressing of the album, which is why some people don't have them. They've got an electronic version somewhere on their Kid A site, but it's not quite the same, is it? I unfortunately bought my album to late... Could be to do with me getting it mail order. Damn.
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carly writes:
*i believe some of the people saying they don't have the booklet are looking in the wrong place, you have to pop the black part up, it took me and my sis awhile to find it *some of those 'gibberish' lines..are low and behold, LYRICS to the soon after released cd Amnesiac *finally, i do think all cds should have this booklet, seeing as how we purchased it at least a couple of months after it had been released (in the us)
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jozaozir writes:
As to the MI5 comment, Thom also said in an interview that he knew things that could get him killed by MI5. Fun.
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hankbourbon writes:
I Live in Central Texas and i just bought the cd at the first of 2002 and mne has the booklet.
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3pwud writes:
The Limited edition refers only to the Hard back book edition, similar to the Amnesiac edition. And some DO have booklets and some do not. I got mine week 1 it was released in England: No booklet under tray (I know where to look) and my mate did have one. got the cd from somewhere else same day. And his wasn't a limited edition - hope to have cleared some points up!
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TonicBlue writes:
I only read half the posts so this might have already been mentioned but I thought that They only had the books in the first batch of cd's and then got into trouble over the picture thom drew of Tony Blair and the random lines on the page around the image or maybe on the next page(im not suure because i stupidly lost my copy)were mocking politics and tony blair so they had to stop.
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Majewda writes:
This is going out to the guy that said he only has a picture under his cd cover. Yes, There is a picture under there. What you did not know though, was that if you take it apart that picture is the hidden cd booklet.
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if you read the words in the booklet under the tray (a very cool egg, i gotta say...), there are actually some lyrics to amnesiac in there, which was recorded in the same sessions as 'kid a'. pretty cool, imo.
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Mine doesn't have anything, not even a picture behind the plastic.
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Joedman writes:
I checked in my Kid-A, and there was no secret booklet, just a picture entitled "Theater des todues" (or something similar), printed on the back of the track listings :(
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Franky writes:
I bought Kid-A (cheap - € 9,-) about a year ago and all the copies I saw in the shop had this hidden booklet.
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Wallamanage writes:
I don't have the booklet and am as such rather peeved. Thanks to MichaelO for the info on the website. I got the album on the week it came out and all it has is the Theatre Des Todes picture. I've seen it on the site but want to know why there are lyrics to the song Myxomatosis on page 3. Myxomatosis was featured on Hail To The Thief the album second album after Kid A. So can anyone clear this up?
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Wallamanage writes:
Read the words "Kid A" backwards. Perhaps (although it's not spelt quite right) this is an insult to someone.
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alecindi writes:
I bought this CD used, and I did not think that I had the hidden booklet the first time I checked. When I looked for a second time I realized that it was there, it was just in the middle of the tray. This is an extremly cool egg.
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Mara writes:
That "gibberish" contains not only some words from Amnesiac's songs, but even those from Hail to the thief's!
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Actually, the lyrics in the hidden booklet are some of the lyrics to some of the songs on another two of Radiohead's albums, Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief, released one year and 3 years later (respectively). Read more about it here: (scroll down until you see #9. Radiohead Hides Entire Booklet (and a Conspiracy)) Pretty cool, right?
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