Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (Disney) Easter Egg - Cameos While Quasimodo Singing "Out There"

While Quasimodo is singing the song "Out there", the camera focuses on a street. On that street you can see Belle (The Beauty and the beast) wandering around, Pumbaa (The Lion King) being carried on a pole and The Magic Carpet (Aladdin) being shaked out by a street merchant

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  7.2/10 with 215 votes
Contributed By: Erika Järvinen on 08-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

the circled man is holding the magic carpet belle can be seen reading a book
the circled man is holding the magic carpet belle can be seen reading a book

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Nightscream writes:
It's true, it's true................
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Mariano writes:
Pumba there is once again, when Phoebus is just arrives. In the background, there is a restaurant; look at this for to see a Pumba's cameo.
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jon writes:
Actually, I'd also heard that there was a satalite hidden somewhere in the film!
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sesame85 writes:
I don't know about satellites in this movie, but in Aladdin, during the "One Jump" song, you can see 2 sattelites (I read somewhere that you could also see the 'golden arches,' but I haven't found them yet).
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Courtney writes:
Wow! Disney really outdid themselves this time!
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TheEggMasta writes:
Ha HA HA Disney tsk tsk i ¢¾ disney but that lol funnny
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