King, Stephen Easter Egg - Stephen King in All of His Movies?

Stephen King has a habit of appearing as an actor, usually a very small part, in every movie that he creates. I have personally seen him in Maximum Overdrive, Pet Cemetary and a few others. Check it out, look hard, he is there.

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 124 votes
Contributed By: James Eismon on 08-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any Stephen King Movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Appears in Pet Sematary as a priest!
Appears in Pet Sematary as a priest!

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Toni Alvarez writes:
King plays Jordy Verrill in Creepshow and a truck driver in Creepshow 2.
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HighHat writes:
This isn't true of all movies based on his creations. Three that come to mind right of the bat are The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me.
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Sandman writes:
Stephen King also wasn't in the Running Man which he wrote under the pseudonym, Richard Bachman.
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monkey writes:
To Highhat, the movies you listed were not movies that Stephen King directed, they were merely movies based on his stories. Frank Darabont, for instance, directed both "Shawshank" and "The Green Mile." I'm not sure about "Stand By Me" or "Pet Semetary", but the "Creepshow" movies and "Maximum Overdrive" were King movies.
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Sphinx101 writes:
And he played a Polish guy in 'The Stand'. I think his name was Bobby or Tommy, maybe something similar. He features in the end mainly, when his character is on 'border patrol' with another man and they see the main character and Tom Cullen coming towards them in the snow plough.
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Rev writes:
Stephen King also played the Band Leader in the remake (and, in my opinion, the ONLY version) of The Shining.
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shawn writes:
The Creepshow movies were NOT directed by Stephen King. He wrote the screenplay for the first one and the only involvement he had in the second one was one of the segments was based on one of his stories (The Raft) and he had a cameo. That's it.
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Demonhawk writes:
He's only in the movies he writes the scripts for. Maximum Overdrive as his only shot at directing (notice most of the acting sucks? His fault) so this shouldn't be included in the directors portion...
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Disgruntled writes:
How come it's Kings fault if the actings bad? Maybe they were just lousy actors.
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im not sure about this one, but i believe that he was the farmer in Firestarter
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Ryoko writes:
In Langoleers he was the head bord member that the crazy dude was trying to get to.
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isoman writes:
Stephen King appearing in his movies is not unique. I believe he actually borrowed this tactic from Alfred Hitchcock who would appear in his own movies, too.
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deelynna writes:
I believe King has had a role in every movie he directed, and he does act in a couple of movies that he did not actually direct. Also, if by "the farmer" you mean the farmer and wife who take in Charlie and her dad then King was not the farmer. The farmer is way to old to be King.
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Stephen also had a bit part in his ABC mini-series "Storm of the Century". Look for him as a lawyer in Part Two. (personal injury lawyer, I believe)
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i believe he was a pharmacist in the absolutely terrible "Thinner" as well.
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Jack writes:
Did anybody see him in The Green Mile? I don't think so, but if anybody saw him, please say where!
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Bishop writes:
He played Tommy Weizak in 'the stand' and I'm pretty sure he was also in 'the shapeshifters'
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infibb writes:
King also played the bus driver in "golden years" that tv mini series
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MIKE writes:
King was the guy at the atm in the beginning of Maximum Overdrive and by the way Maximum Overdrive does not suck,I love that movie. Did anyone see him in Christine,which was also a great movie.
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seajclark writes:
A friend of mine came into work gnawing on this bone about Stephen King and his movies... He claims that King did show up in Stand BY Me as one of the policemen that collect the body at the end of the movie.. I haven't been able to verify it yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. He said you have to look real hard because it's just for a second. I'm trying to find out if he's in the Green Mile...
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Hitokiri writes:
Where is Stephen king in Sleepwalkers?Green Mile?The Running Man?
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In the Green Mile where Dil gets excecuted Stephen IS in the crowd. Haven't found him in IT or The Langaleers
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hapycrapy writes:
Rev ([email protected]) writes: Stephen King also played the Band Leader in the remake (and, in my opinion, the ONLY version) of The Shining Are you NUTS!? The mini-series doesn't come close to having the macabre menace of the original...and Nicholson was chilling, while Weber was a cold fish
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mayobunny writes:
Stephen King was in sleep-walkers, he was in the scene where the policeman who got stabbed in the ear had the police etc coming to take away the body also in the same scene with him was another great horror writer none other than Clive Barker.
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Miss_Boxer writes:
In Sleepwalkers he was the caretaker of the cemetery.
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kellysue writes:
where is he in "needful things"
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June @}-}-- writes:
Stephen King is only in every other movie that is made into a movie/television series... he is not in each one...
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deezil writes:
How did you like how he played a pizza delivery man in "Rose Red"?
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Hempman writes:
Stephen King is in Langoliers.. He is cast as Tom Holby.. Boss of the Creepylooking and obnoxious businessman who had squandered away 8 million dollars (Craig Toomey). In the Stand he's Teddy Weizak (The Guy who gives Nadine a lift,and also who's the Guard that spots Tom and Stu's driving in that Snowmobile)
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If I'm not mistaken, I don't think he was in "Apt Pupil" either. By the way, the remake of "The Shining" may not have the "macabre menace" of the original, but it stays true to the book, whereas the original (in my opinion) just took the plot and left out the details that truly made the story. Although, I will admit that the acting left a lot to be desired. Anyway, the remake holds the honor of being the only movie to ever make me shriek out loud.
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stephan king WAS in IT. he played the bartender
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where is he in children of the corn?
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Tammy writes:
He played the priest conducting Gage's funeral in "Pet Cemetary". And, in the first "Creepshow" movie, his oldest son played the little boy with the voodoo doll.
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TinaD writes:
Did anyone see Steven Kind in Firestarter? He was one of the test subjects.
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robin writes:
Rose Red, Dreamcatcher, Diary Of The Dead (2007) (voice) - Newsreader Gothan Cafe (2005) - Mr. Ring Kingdom Hospital (2004) - Johnny B. Goode Rose Red (2002) - Pizza Delivery Guy Frasier (2000) (voice) - Brian [episode titled "Mary Christmas"] Storm Of The Century (1999) - Lawyer In Ad / Reporter On Broken TV The Shining (1997) - Band Leader Thinner (1996) - Dr. Bangor The Langoliers (1995) - Tom Holby The Stand (1994) - Teddy Weizak Sleepwalkers (1992) - Cemetery Caretaker Golden Years (1991) - Bus Driver Pet Sematary (1989) - Minister Creepshow 2 (1987) - Truck Driver Maximum Overdrive (1986) - Man At ATM Creepshow (1982) - Jody Verrill Knightriders (1981) - Hoagie Guy
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Sorry QuestionQueen, Stephen King was certainly NOT in IT. I can't even think of a scene (in the movie) with a bartender. You're mistaken. By the way, King typically only cameos in movies for which he's written the screenplay, so there are LOTS where he doesn't, IT included.
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splooged writes:
That's a nifty site... but I don't think I'd list the Star Trek card game under artists.
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fhsoccermom writes:
Stephen King had two parts in Kingdom Hospital. He was the lawyer in the commercial on the television in the janitors office and of course the janitor Johnny B. Goode.
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