Spielberg, Steven Easter Egg - All of Steven's Films

Supposedly in all of Steven's movies, he has placed his fraternity letters or something to do with his fraternity in his movies. He is a member of Theta Chi Fraternity and the symbol is "OX". I have seen to of them personally. This first in Men in black at the begining where the bug is flying around and then heads towards the moon. With the bugs wings and the moon, it makes "OX". Another is in Jurassic Park, the first one. When the family is sleeping in the trees, and the dinosour's head comes up, the camera pans straight down to a tree trunk. At the bottom of the trunk there is an image of Theta Chi's Fraternity crest there. Believe it or not, but that is the rumor going through all Theta Chi Fraternity houses.

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Contributed By: Malcolm Gray on 08-04-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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superbad writes:
Where is it in Saving Private Ryan?
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bbX writes:
Barry Sonnenfield directed Men in Black.
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daev writes:
Ahhh... but Steven Spielberg was the Executive Producer!
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Dan writes:
All of Speilberg's films contain a night or evening shot where a lone shooting star crosses the sky. To my immediate memory I've seen it in Jaws and Hook. But I do recall having seen it in all the films I've looked out for it in.
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shawn writes:
The shooting star in Jaws was real. It just happened to be there when they filmed and they decided to leave it in.
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Indy writes:
The shooting star is in Indiana Jones and the Temple Of doom as well,in the scene just before Indy leaves the village for the evil palace.
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Rick writes:
Where is the "shooting star" scene in The Duel??????
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Bishop writes:
There is also a shooting star that appears above Devil's Tower in Close Encounters, shortly before the first three drones appear.
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Lone Star writes:
I don't remember seeing a shooting start in "The Goonies" from 1984...
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pseudoguru writes:
I understand from a Theta Chi friend of mine that there are references to the brotherhood in all of Steven's work, including TV stuff like the Animaniacs and such. A lot of it is in the form of secret symbols known only to the initiated. Its a plot! Fnord
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johnboy5000 writes:
But Speilberg Executive-Produced "Men In Black", same w/"The Goonies" (which was directed by Richard Donner)
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grinch2k writes:
Steven speilburg was hazed extrememly and therefor hates Theta Chi. He adds elements of the Ritual to all of his films. As a former "Brother", also disgruntled with Theta Chi, I can attest to the ritual being used in a couple of his films.
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ThetaChiEric writes:
As a brother of the Theta Chi Fraternity, i can attest that is at least one aspect of our rituals in every spielberg movie
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ThetaChi117 writes:
I'm sorry grinch2k that you were not in an accepting chapter, but there are some good and some bad, as Brother Spielberg has realized by continuing to give to the Grand Chapter. As a former VP of my chapter, unless you were expelled, i will always call you my brother. Love and Respect.
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paulkennett writes:
In Saving Private Ryan after they leave the church it's still dark. There walking in formation and if you look in the sky you can see the star.
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