Another One Bites The Dust (Queen) Easter Egg - Marajuana Reference

Those of you that still have a turn table and a vinyl copy of Queen's Another One Bites The Dust can manually reverse the play at the chorus line and hear something that very much sounds like "It's fun to smoke marajuana". Back tracking or coincidence?

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Contributed By: merv on 04-26-2000
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colby writes:
Hm.. I Think it sounds like "Start To Smoke Marijuana".. You don't need a vinyl btw ;-) just use the windows Soundrec for example..
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Chuck writes:
I've always heard "Let's smoke marijuana" but I think it needs a fair dose of creative listening. As does most backtracking.
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Eboreg Onxre writes:
I think this sort of thing is an example of "seek and ye shall find syndrome" -- look hard enough for anything (in this case "significance" in backwards playing) and you will see it, whether it's there or not. Words played backwards still sound like words, so the brain insists in interpreting them as such. D'Sparil in the game "Heretic" always sounds to me to be saying "I've seen Mr. Davros", but it's actually "Destroy the Heretic" backwards. So, yes, this *is* a coincidence.
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skarpathian writes:
If you can get the cd, copy (with windows recorder then reversing with menu options) the part starting when he sings "another one bites the dust" ( I know many will argue with me; I'm not saying it's ALL that intentional). Also copy the part in the middle a bit before and after the "reversed" piano chord. It says "It's fun to smoke marihjuana" [bum-bum-bum] (Don't laugh too hard, that's the music in between) "it's fun to smoke marijuana, marijuana, marijuana, it's fun to smoke marijuana. [bum-bum-bum] The part in the middle it sounds like "Hey! Get stoned!" Try it you'll hear it. It does take some creative ears but it's still fun. I found alot of neat reverse masking when I was in high school in the late 70's, early 80's. For instance ELO's Evil Woman says (instead of eeeeevil woman)Devil walk with me. I used to record albums or other tapes onto a cassette deck I altered by inverting the playback head. You could play a standard tape backwards or copy from another tape/album onto a blank tape. Then playing the recorded tape ("A" side turns into "B" side and vice-versa)in a normal player would play it backwards. Yes I was a "bit" geeky in school!
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Turandot writes:
Once, I listened to a conference about the subversive aspect of pop and rock music and the guy performed some backward-playing tricks (most of which are listed on this site) and he said that the "Another one bites the dust" trick was intentional (at least the chorus line one) and it was the reason the band had picked up that title at first, just for fun. He also mentioned that weird song by the Beatles, "Revolution #9" (not "Revolution"), in which John Lennon keeps saying "Number nine, number nine" again and again, and if you play it backwards, it becomes a satanistic prayer (don't remember how the text goes).
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Bryce Rausch writes:
Well, I have the vynyl version of another one bites the dust and the subliminal messages blew me away. So, once I got out of the hospital I listened to it under doctor supervision and found many more messges in "Another one bites the dust" 1.) Smoke marijuana 2.) Scream if you love twinkies 3.) Ride a bus, its better for the enviroment 4.) Smoke...I forgot what I was saying and 5.) Man I'm messed up, pass the marijuana around man. Dude the Brady Bunch is on! Now, I haven't heard all of these but some are definately there!
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Lone Star writes:
I heard, Start to smoke marijhuana...=)
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Danny1985 writes:
When you play this song backwards, you can also hear the words "Give some acid". It's very clear, but almost certainly unintentional.
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Disgruntled writes:
Actually, I have played the number nine backwords and it dosen't sound anything like a satanic prayer. In fact, most people say that it's really supposed to be another Paul is Dead "clue". It's supposed to actually say, "Turn me on, dead man." While it did sound like that to me, I should also point out that I was informed of what it said ahead of time and was probably allowing my brain to influence what I heard. For example, I played it for someone else and they heard "Pass the condiments" instead. Backward masking claims are often pretty dubious at best.
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chiuzbi writes:
Since we're talking about 'reversed lyrics' thought I'd mention this one: they say that in Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven (hope I got the song title right), the lyrics "yes there are 2 paths you can go by, but in the long run, you can always change the road you're on", reversed say: "My great satan, no other made a path for you, whose power is satan". I haven't checked it, maybe you will.
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rejectrobot writes:
Am I the only smart person here? You can take any words play them backwards, and think you hear something. Your brain is only playing tricks on you, although I am pretty sure that Stairway to Heaven has backward masking, and also, there are other parts that have it besides the two paths part.
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Seldon writes:
Most every song, if reversed, seems to say something, it's obvious, because the words are combinations of sounds... Some other exemples: let's keep talking about Queen... in Mustapha, when it says "Allah Allah Allah will pray for you", if you reverse it seems to say "Uuuuh you fear to Allah Allah Allah"; in A kind of magic, the first 15 seconds, "It's a kind of magic, it's a kind of magic, a kind of magic, one dream, one soul, one price, one goal" reversed are something like "Who snows yyeeeeaahh who snow, he snow, he's dead, he's dead now". But they're only fantasy jokes;) Let's keep reversing song and hearing whatever you want;)
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Crymistia writes:
I'm sick of this! The comment about Zeppelin, besides being off-topic, is not a real egg anyway (because it's utterly false!), so go to the discussion area to see it debunked.
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MTails writes:
It does sound kind of like "Start To Smoke Marijuana".. but I'm probably just suffering from that seek and ye shall find syndrome... :)
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MC00AGENT writes:
Guess what! You cant play vinyl records backwards and hear anything unless it is planned. So, in this case, it wasnt planned. Man... its just lie I thought. I could say that you can hear something backwards when it aint,and people will believe it.
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Maybe the best way for us to work this is to tell everybody in the world to listen to every song backwards *before* they read the comments of others. This way, nobody's brain can make them think they are hearing what may just be an expectation because you have read before. Now try this: Start a tape recording and read the above text into a microphone. You know what to do next... ...Honestly, when you play this backwards there is a hidden message. If you want there to be one...
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I stripped away the music, leaving nothing but pure words, and then reversed the words. I have to say that at first it sounded like "It's hard to smoke marijuana," then after about 20 minutes of listening it became apparent that I could make it seem like almost anything I wanted to. Personally I believe it was an accident and that many people will hear what they want to hear if they are not expecting anything in particular as the 5 senses pass all information to the brain and the brain tries its best to convert the information into something that is easily understood so it can be forgotten without question. Reading other peoples comments while having no understanding of what is actually being said in the songs will fuel the brains ability to pass off a situation that cannot be understood as something it has been taught by others. I also have to add that I feel sorry for the very first person who decided that this record was worth listening to backwards as I have never chosen to listen to it before, even played the right way! Happy decoding!
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JESSEGRO3 writes:
Let us clear up the Stairway To Heaven Mystery. The record was called "Led Zeppelin IV", and since Stairway To Heaven was the main hit, it became known as the Stairway To Heaven Album. People would go around saying, "Spin Stairway To Heaven backwards, and you can hear satanic messages". Nobody would know what anybody else was really talking about, so a lot of people made up a lot of this, and a lot of that, and everybody was happy. Here is what you really should do: On the track before Stairway To Heaven, there is a song called "The Battle Of Evermore". When the lyrics state, "The drums will shake the castle walls, the Ring-Wraiths ride in black". Stop the song at "castle walls". When you spin, or play the track backwards, as clear as day you will hear, "I am to fight the war with peace". Which is a paradox in itself. Is he fighting a war against peace, or is he fighting a war by using peace as a tool? LIGHT
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TACD writes:
Well as long as we're talking crap about backtracking records and stuff, try playing the 'Pinky and the Brain' tune backwards... I'm sure you can find lots of words there if you want (E.g. at the end of it playing backwards Brain says somehting about eating doritos) but it is quite humourously Russian-sounding. :)
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Maxz writes:
You can download it backward on Napster. It sound way to much like "It's fun to smoke marajuana" for it to be a cincidence. Also, It's just something I would expect Queen to do. If I were to make an album, I would make a lot of my songs have hidden messages. BTW, if you have it on CD and your comp came with the TBS Montego package, you can reverse the song with AuidoView.
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Mr. Smee writes:
I'm gonna have to say i think that you could make that into whatever you want, it could be saying a lot more than "It's fun to smoke marijuana", which you can actually hear, but only if you're listening for it. I wouldn't hear that if i hadn't read this first.
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pain_brush writes:
That one Whitney Houston song that used to be a Dolly Parton song when you play it backwards it says : "Insane in the membrane, Bobby Brown he's a clown he beats me down, don't touch my chronic " It's repeated twice slowly & very faintly at the beginning, then fast during the chorus. If you listen closely you can hear Ozzy in the background saying "It's an egg ". I didn't hear these, but my brothers freinds cousin did on his 8-track, no lie !! I did hear the original Dolly Parton version backwards, & all I'm gonna say is I AIN'T NEVER GOING TO DOLLYWOOD, SHE'S THE DEVIL, MAN !!
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Marcus writes:
Write the sung phrase phonetically, remembering that vowels are usually heard as whatever your brain thinks it recognizes, so just distinguish long from short: something like "unu'w(ah)nb(ah)dz'dust". Write it backwards: "tsud'zd(ah)bn(ah)w'unu". Now it's easy to hear M for N before B, so the last part sounds like "ma'uana". The written phonetics are not exactly what the sound is, actually you have to draw sound waves and shocks, and all that stuff. Well, it's not a surprise that you hear "it's huh t' smog ma'uana". And the more Freddie Mercury repeats it, the more you think you "get it right" one time or other. Now, the real question is, did Mercury (and Deacon?) first speak a line about marijuana, played it backwards and THEN coin a phrase that sounded like the result? Maybe (though I personally doubt it, but on no grounds).
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Sylvalin writes:
The "Another One Bites the Dust" "Satanic" message is purely coincidental. In my Social Psych class it was played for 500 students, backwards, and nobody could hear a message in it. When we were told what to listen for, then everyone could hear it. Seek and ye shall find, indeed. This process was repeated for several songs, with the same findings. There was even a "Satanic" message in a reverse reading of a Psalm. Go figure. Besides, if Satan were trying to speak with us through music, wouldn't it be in Latin?
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covey writes:
ok im sure that not many people know this one but on the song american woman go to the part where it say american woman listen what i say the second time it says ("who is this") then keep going backwords and very soon u will hear quietly through alot of background music it says ("the one who eats the blood of the inocent")
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Jessegro3 said something about battle of evermore and having a backtracked message in it. I was listening to that song today, and it suddenly popped into my head an idea about fighting for peace and that contradiction. many people believe that backtracking can be interpreted by the brain and understood subliminally, or was it a strange coincidence that i had this idea at the same time as listening to that song?? there are also some theories that the devil would speak backwards, and satanists should also learn to speak backwards.
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jtmichaelson writes:
Honest to God truth (as a reference to seek and ye shall find): Play "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees backwards and on the part where he sings "Since I was born.." (Which is right before "You know it all right, it's okay, I'll live to see another day...") Barry Gibb distinctly says, "Christ the nasty one." This was done after the big 70's Meatloaf "Bat Out Of Hell" controversy, so to prove my point I took out ALL of my disco records and tried to prove the theory wrong. Voila, The Bee Gees are now satanist! And I bet EVERYTHING I own that if you play enough Bay City Rollers records backwards, eventually you'll get the bands take on drugs or Satan.
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prosperity writes:
How do you actually know you're going to end up with a different message when you play it backwards? That would take some planning, don't you think?
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Craftone writes:
When I was in junior high a Psyche Prof. came to see us in the gym and played that song among others. He said it was saying "It's TIME to smoke marijuana". That's what I've always heard.
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Tom writes:
Check out and go through the libraries to find this and other speech reversal examples - and learn about this theory.
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Paz02 writes:
To all You revese music lovers out there... 1. as a satanist i can honestly say all these to satan references are false. 2.revolution no. 9 is a message about paul mccartney not satan please research before you post. 3.the power of suggestion makes you hear these messages. 4.satan never spoke latin nor will he ever. 5. satan does not speak backwards and satanists do not speak backwards 6 there is no such thing as a satanic prayer, that is a contradiction of terms as a satanist rejects the "power" of prayer. thanks
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Stoned_Pimp writes:
I'm sorry but I have better things to do than to play songs backwards. Like jam to them playing the way the way they were meant to be played...forward. And on a side note, I listen to Slayer and I also like to watch Disney movies. There's no shame in that.
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Shayne_77 writes:
First of all, I'd like to say some comments about some "Reversed Message" #1. Another one bites the dust I think that Queen did this on purpose, it was the 70's and you can't say that Queen didn't "smoke it up" a time or too or another reason they could of did this to prevent the massive Cocaine problem in late 70's and 80's try to get people to do a less harmful drug maybe. only Queen knows. #2. Stairway to Heaven I'm a massive fan of Zeppelin and i think that they did this for a publicity stunt to encourage the song Stairway to Heaven in 70's. Why, so fans could say to another guy "Hey, play Stairway to Heaven backwards, it will tell you about Satan." and then listen to it and that guy tell another guy, so on and so forth. then the popularity of Zeppelin famous song with spread. Another reason for this could be that "Stairway to Heaven backwards is about Satan" so think about that sentence. Heaven backwards is Hell, Black backwards is White, Jesus backwards is Satan, Understand. Zeppelin could did this just fun. ?? #3. Empty Spaces Empty Spaces by Pink Floyd is by far the coolest ever backwards message ever. Pink Floyd did this on purpose because they are Pink Floyd or for to premote the album "The Wall".
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royamay writes:
well i played the song backwords and i heard another one bites the dust backwords imagine that
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No MeRcY writes:
How about this... I will download the song and reverse it? Im gonna prove the Led Zepplin ones wrong, Or right..
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Double H writes:
To all You music lovers out there... 1. as a Christian I can honestly say all these to Satan references are True. 2. I have no clue about reloution 9 (never even heard it) 3. the power of suggestion does make you hear these messages, that is WHY Satan does it. 4. Satan (being in existance before humans) having thousands of years of practice heard the formation and changing of each and every language and can speak all fluently. 5. Satan does not speak backwards, BUT he sure as hell knows how to! i.e. #3, as for Satanists... (maybe the lazy ones don't) 6. there is such thing as Satanic prayer, because he still wants to be as great as Jesus is. He still trys to mimic God. 7. "Satan" is capitalized because it is a formal name, and he is nothing but a fallen angel. 8. as for Queen's -a.o.b.t.dust... a)Take the song in a wave format. b)Open it with Windows Sound Recorder program. c)Goto the pull down labeled "effects", d) click reverse. e)play song again. It clearly says "Start to smoke Marijuana". Freddy was a bit too stupid to do something this intellectually mastered, it would almost take someone brilliantly nafarious to do something this "coincidental".
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nnaattrr writes:
the led zeppling stairway to heaven reverse is not false at all. it is scary, i got out a old record of it and did it backwords and guess what the first words backwords if you want a copy of the reverse song or lyrics email me
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Outis writes:
I think the most obvious reason that the reverse must be gibberish is that when played forward, it's clearly saying "another one bites the dust." It would be damned near impossible to make a clear phrase that works both forward and backwards. Maybe some people need to lay off the drugs themselves.
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Abraxas writes:
Okay, Brian has talked about this before on his website. He said Queen didn't do any backwards messages and he'd never even heard that AOBTD said anything about marijuana. I've heard the backwards track, and it does sound a bit like "It's fun to smoke marijuana" but I think it's a coincidence. Besides, Freddie hated marijuana (it made him nervous and paranoid-- he preferred coke) and John Deacon wrote the lyrics anyway. And to whoever said Freddie was stupid, that's completely off the mark. How can anyone who wrote a song as amazing as "Bohemian Rhapsody," not to mention MANY others, be stupid? It's my firm belief that you must be smart to write music, especially music that complicated. An idiot could not have written Bo Rhap. Plus, I mean, I've seen, heard, and read lots of interviews with him, and have it on good authority that he was a very intelligent individual.
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Something's there, but it sounds more like: "sfun teh smeh marijuanah" I'm not sure
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I've listened to it and i don't want to start taking drugs
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fireball05 writes:
In the song Another one Bites the Dust instead of saying it's fun to smoke marijuana, if you listen really carefully is sounds like: Satan's out more than ever, Satan, yeah! Satan's out more than ever, now more than ever, now more than ever. Satan's out more than ever. Satan's out more than ever. feel free to contact me: Randy Kundinger
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fireball05 writes:
In the song Another one Bites the Dust instead of saying it's fun to smoke marijuana, if you listen really carefully is sounds like: Satan's out more than ever, Satan, yeah! Satan's out more than ever, now more than ever, now more than ever. Satan's out more than ever. Satan's out more than ever. feel free to contact me: Randy Kundinger @ [email protected]
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This is pure coincidence. If you listen to it close enough you can tell that it's quite a stretch to think that it actually says marijuana. If this is actually the case and it does say "It's fun to smoke marijuana." then it is simply a phonetic message. Completely unintentional.
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elbereth writes:
Here is a very useful site for you all (Forgive me if this has been already posted: It has even the original and the backwards versions of all the songs.
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Gracey Poo writes:
There is also one about Led Zepplin and Britney Spears
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asdffdsa writes:
This recording does not contain any backwards messages, it is simply a coincidence that the phrase "Another One Bites the Dust" sounds vaguely like "It's fun to smoke marijuana" when played backwards.
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asdffdsa writes:
The Queen message can be heard here: Also after it's over you can also here the ones from Led Zeppelin and Brittney Spears
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Jimmy writes:
I, personally, agree that you are finding these messages because your brain remembers a conversation: "hey, if you play another one bites the dust backwards you can hear them talk about marijuana!" your brain now "knows" that the message is there and so it hears it. and about Satan using the power of suggestion to make us hear this i have a rhetorical question (you can answer it if you want to); did Satan come to earth disguised as a human and start telling people to hear about drugs in the song? also when i first heard the song backwards i got random mixed up sounds, no words, but when i heard the exact same thing with "subtitles" i could hear it (my eyes are saying that they have found out the words and therefore i hear them). somewhere someone probably listened to it backwards and heard random noise then listened to it from a website and hears a perfectly clear voice saying something along the lines of "start to smoke marijuana, it's fun to smoke marijuana, this songs about marijuana" over the top of the noise. in case you haven't guessed i like to squash all of my ideas into 1 message.
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After a whole night of listening to the barney theme, i decided to play it bakwards and it says. i hate you you hate me lets get together and kill barney with a great big gun and a bullet through his head, arent you glad that barney's dead. i swear its true
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Yo writes:
Is this really an egg?
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