Seinfeld Easter Egg - Superman

In every seinfeld episode, there is a superman picture or statue somewhere

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  6.5/10 with 633 votes
Contributed By: matt on 07-30-1999
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Goat writes:
Not true. There is a Superman in almost every episode (there is one in Jerry's apartment), but a few episodes do not contain one. The Parking Garage episode, for instance.
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JPazk writes:
Also, if you watch the episode with the Bizzaro Jerry, in the background of Bizaro (the Bizzaro Superman) on a small black table in the background
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ratboy writes:
There are no fewer than 40 episodes that contain no reference whatsoever, visual or auditory, to Superman.
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angstgeben writes:
The picture that they use for the outside of Elain's apartment apartment building is the old D.C. headquarter in New York. And in the one episode with Genean Gargaffalo (sp???), Jerry can be seen reading a Superman comic while Genean is reading a Supergirl.
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ratboy writes:
Once and for all, NOT EVERY EPISODE CONTAINS A REFERENCE TO SUPERMAN. Out of 180 episodes, there are 24 that include a verbal reference. The refrigerator magnet does not appear until the 56th episode and the figurine doesn't show up until the 81st episode. The final count is 124 episodes with a Superman reference of some sort and 52 with no Superman reference whatsoever. I could go into great detail if any of you are still not convinced, but I'd rather not waste space here..
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sorrysrt writes:
What about the episode shot in real time at the Chinese restaurant? I haven't seen it in awhile, but I don't see how it could be real time if they had to walk to the restaurant from his apartment. There may be a Superman reference in it, but I do not believe there was any scenes from his apartment there.
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R0fanJessie writes:
Not every episode had a scene in Jerry's apartment. Both the Chinese Resteraunt one, and the Parking Garage one did not. They only took place in one of those places.
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Cannon writes:
I would like those of you that seem to know which episodes do not contain either a physical replication of Superman or a Superman reference to list the episodes that do NOT contain any Superman reference or depiction at all.
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trajectum writes:
i find 124 out of 180 superman reminders in a serie not about superman easter eggy enough :-]
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howareyou writes:
Actually, I don't think there are 180 episodes. That would be great, but in my Entertainment Weekly magazine they only have listed 169 episodes. Maybe if you count the one hour episodes as two individual episodes a piece there are like 7 more episodes, but that is still not 180 episodes.
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Fool, they never came from Jerry's place. Or did they? No, thay did not.
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minakodeb writes:
But it wasn't always just Superman! Any reference to a Superman character, such as Jimmy Olsen or Lois Lane, or a word like Kryptomite counts.
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JJ71 writes:
40? Just a little while ago it was 52... I'm scared!
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CatFanatik writes:
Here is a list of some references:
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bloodclot writes:
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Andrew writes:
What about the clothes the characters wear? it's subtle but it can be taken for a superman reference, despite what you might think.
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