Back to the Future Easter Egg - Jeep Driver

After Marty has discovered that he is late for school, he is seen frantically skateboarding through town. At one point, he grabs on to the back of a jeep. You briefly see a clear shot of the driver as he looks over his shoulder at Marty. The driver is .... Harrison Ford!!

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-11-2000
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kyotee writes: it ISN'T harrison ford
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This is bullcrap, it is NOT harrison ford. nice try though
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bbX writes:
I even read that it was Steven Spielberg, but I don't think that's true either. My guess is that it's Bob Gale, one of the writers. This is just from photos in the BTTF trilogy book, though... bbX
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shawn writes:
It is Steven Spielberg. Check out if you don't believe me.
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Hey buddy it was not Harrison Ford...It was some guy that they thought would look like him to make people like you think in this sense.
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Charles writes:
During one of the Back to the Futures, marty picks up an almanac, and he says "Florida wins the World Series in 1997" , and he laughs and throws it away... when the movie was written the florida marlins were not a baseball team, and florida had no team... but as we all know the florida marlins did win the world series in 1997
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lefti writes:
I want to clarify the Florida thing. What really does happen is in 2015, Marty sees something saying the Cubs BEAT the "Florida Gators" in the series. Then the old man said he wished he could go back in time and put money on the cubs, so Marty buys the almanac and....But ever since the Marlins won in '97, this myth has going around, and I'm tired of it!! Honestly, watch the movie!
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LionHeart writes:
Check the movie guys, the collection guy (who gave Marty the idea) was referring to the 2015 World Series, not the 1997 World Series. As Marty was being pestered by the guy, he notices a marquee starting the fact the Cubs had, indeed, won the world series. Marty reads this out, the guy says he wished he'd of known at the beginning of the series... and so on.
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Jig writes:
The jeep guy is Kevin Pike, Special Effects Supervisor for the Trilogy.
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Whistler writes:
Also, notice that the aerobics class that Marty waves to while hitching this ride takes place in the same building that was the malt shop, and will be the '80's nostalgia restaurant. Of course, there are SO MANY intentional things about this movie that are incredibly subtle that I doubt many of these "easter eggs" are true eggs, and are just incredibly minute attention to detail. For example, in the opening credits as the camera pans across the contraption that Doc Brown built, it shows a newspaper clip that says that the Brown mansion burned down. This explains why Doc lives in a garage, and hints to why there is a Burger King next to it. Again that is intentional, but incredibly subtle.
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tatty writes:
I believe that the Florida baseball team winning the World Series in 1997 was said by Biff Tannen's younger self in 1955 while he's looking through the book that the old Biff gave to him. I could be wrong through but I'm pretty sure that's where this rumor came about.. So again, the debate should be whether young Biff said that, not Marty..
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thedoctor writes:
Okay lets set the record straight. There is no reference to the 1997 World Series in BTTF2. When Biff reads from the almanac the only games he mentions are college football games that have already happened. The only World Series mention in the entire movie is the 2015 series.
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Blayse writes:
Notice this driver was wearing a Mountain Dew baseball cap. And all the soda-pops seen in the picture were Pepsi drinks. At the time, Michael J. Fox was a contracted spokesman for Pepsi.
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psycho1 writes:
Not to put the rest of you people down, But let ME clear everything up. The reference to the Marlins winning in 97 as far as i know is false, the only mention of any world series is the 2030 world series in which the cubs win. who they beat is unbeknownst to me but that is what happens.
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bbX writes:
According to, the driver is actually "Kevin Pike, the special effects supervisor of the film". I don't know if this is correct, but I find it more trustworthy than blind fools saying the driver is Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, or Bob Gale...
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poidog writes:
The whole point of the marquee is that the things up there are jokes (like the Jaws 199 or whatever the number is), Eggs, if you will; which is why they put the Cubs winning the world series (still haven't won, going on 97 years... sigh)on the marquee. What would be funny about a team winning that wasn't in existence when the movie was made? They weren't even talking about having a Florida team at that point. It is the Cubs that win any year's World Series in any reference
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Eric writes:
Actually, the "unknown" truck driver bit is a Spielberg favourite. It also appears in ET where the secret agent spying the house from a van is actually, you guessed it, Harrison Ford.
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Zaphod writes:
OK, to clear up the confusion over the '97 Florida win prediction: no, it has not be predicted in BTTF Part Deux. Snopes has a wonderful article on it. Go to and search for it.
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The jeep driver is not Harrison Ford, nor Steven Spielberg, nor even Bob Gale. Actually, it's Elvis Presley.
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odnoc writes:
The Jeep driver is WALTER SCOTT, the stunt coordinator. PROVE ME WRONG.
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Ryan writes:
Okay are all retarded. If you watch the movie, Marty says "Cubs win world series, against MIAMI?" He says Miami idiots, not Florida, not gators, not cobras, not marlins, etc. It has nothing to do with anything, except for the fact that the cubs finally won something.
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manda writes:
the driver is not harrison ford.. if you bought the dvd you would know that..
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Scott Howard writes:
According to the DVD version of the movie, the Jeep drive is the stunt coordinator.
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kerbear writes:
I think Laurent Pireyn is on to something. Definitely not Harrison Ford or Steven Speilberg. Elvis?? Sure, I'll buy that! =)
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Megawhoosits writes:
According to the commentary on the DVD, with Bob Gale and Neil Canton, the guy driving the jeep is Walter Scott, the stunt co-ordinator (I just listened to it). Could they have been wrong? Possibly. But they're the freaking Producers, and according to the commentary, they're the ones that hired him, so since there happens to be a close up of the jeep driver in the film, I would say they're probably correct in their identification. Mystery solved. And for the record, the guy looks nothing like Harrison Ford, so I get the feeling the OP didn't even check this one for accuracy.
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scottmo writes:
the old man that is collecting to repair the clock tower, in 2015, is played by Charles Fleischer, who was the voice of Roger rabbit, in "Who Framed Roger rabbit", which also starred Christopher Lloyd
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